We usually need 1-3 working days to process your order. The individual processing / production time per product is always shown on the individual product pages. Shipping is done via DHL / Deutsche Post with tracking. For smaller shipments, the delivery method Warenpost is used, also with shipment tracking. The tracking number is shown in the customer portal and / or sent by email.
The shipping costs, limits for free shipping and package delivery times depend on the respective delivery country.
Worldwide Shipping
We generally deliver all over the world. When shipping via DHL / Deutsche Post, the shipment is usually handed over to the local postal system in the destination country.
If you would like an alternative shipping method, please contact us. We would be happy to examine possible alternatives for you.
Please see the following list for a list of the countries we supply:
We deliver to:
- Ålandinseln
- Albanien
- Andorra
- Armenien
- Belarus
- Belgien
- Berg Athos
- Bosnien-Herzegowina
- Bulgarien
- Campione d'Italia
- Ceuta
- Dänemark
- Estland
- Färöer-Inseln
- Finnland
- Frankreich
- Georgien
- Gibraltar
- Griechenland
- Grönland
- Großbritannien
- Irland
- Island
- Italien
- Kanalinseln
- Kanarische Inseln
- Kasachstan
- Kroatien
- Lettland
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Livigno
- Luxemburg
- Malta
- Melilla
- Moldau / Moldawien
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Niederlande
- Nordmazedonien
- Norwegen
- Österreich
- Polen
- Portugal
- Rumänien
- Russland
- San Marino
- Schweden
- Schweiz
- Serbien
- Slowakei
- Slowenien
- Spanien
- Tschechische Republik
- Türkei
- Ungarn
- Vatikanstadt
- Zypern (Nordteil)
North, South, Middle America & Carribean
- Anguilla
- Antigua und Barbuda
- Argentinien
- Aruba
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Bermuda
- Bolivien
- Bonaire
- Brasilien
- Cayman Islands
- Chile
- Costa Rica
- Curaçao
- Dominica
- Dominikanische Republik
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Falklandinseln
- Französisch-Guayana
- Grenada
- Grönland
- Guadeloupe
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Jamaika
- Jungferninseln, Amerikanische
- Jungferninseln, Britische
- Kanada
- Kolumbien
- Kuba
- Martinique
- Mexiko
- Montserrat
- Nicaragua
- Nördliche Marianen
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Puerto Rico
- Saba
- St. Barthélemy
- St. Eustatius
- St. Kitts und Nevis
- St. Lucia
- St. Maarten
- St. Martin
- St. Pierre und Miquelon
- St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
- Südgeorgien/ Südliche
Sandwichinseln - Suriname
- Trinidad und Tobago
- Turks und Caicosinseln
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- Afghanistan
- Armenien
- Aserbaidschan
- Bahrain
- Bangladesch
- Bhutan
- Brunei Darussalam
- China
- Georgien
- Hongkong
- Indien
- Indonesien
- Irak
- Iran
- Israel
- Japan
- Jordanien
- Kambodscha
- Kasachstan
- Katar
- Kirgisistan
- Korea (Republik Korea, Südkorea)
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Libanon
- Macao
- Malaysia
- Malediven
- Mehr
- Mehr
- Mongolei
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Oman
- Ost-Timor
- Pakistan
- Palästinensische Gebiete
- Philippinen
- Russland
- Saudi-Arabien
- Singapur
- Sri Lanka
- Tadschikistan
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Türkei
- Turkmenistan
- Usbekistan
- Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
- Vietnam
Australia & Oceania
- Amerikanisch-Samoa
- Australien
- Cookinseln
- Fidschi
- Französisch-Polynesien
- Guam
- Heard
- Kiribati
- Kokosinseln
- Lord-Howe-Insel
- Marshallinseln
- Mikronesien
- Nauru
- Neukaledonien
- Neuseeland
- Neuseeländische Außengebiete
- Niue
- Norfolkinsel
- Palau
- Papua-Neuguinea
- Pitcairninseln
- Salomonen
- Samoa
- Tasmanien
- Tokelau
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Vanuatu
- Wallis und Futuna
- Weihnachtsinsel
- Ägypten
- Algerien
- Angola
- Äquatorialguinea
- Äthiopien
- Benin
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Ceuta
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Dschibuti
- Eritrea
- Eswatini
- Gabun
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Kamerun
- Kanarische Inseln
- Kap Verde
- Kenia
- Komoren
- Kongo (Dem. Republik Kongo)
- Kongo (Republik Kongo)
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Marokko
- Mauretanien
- Mauritius
- Mayotte
- Melilla
- Mosambik
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- Réunion
- Ruanda
- Sambia
- SãoTomé und Principe
- Senegal
- Seychellen
- Sierra Leone
- Simbabwe
- Somalia
- St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan
da Cunha - Südafrika
- Südsudan
- Tansania
- Togo
- Tschad
- Tunesien
- Uganda
- Westsahara
- Zentralafrikanische Republik
Shipping to Germany
Within Germany we ship free of charge from €70. Below that, shipping costs €2.90. In our experience, the delivery time is 2-4 working days.
Shipping to EU destinations
Within the EU, we ship free of charge from €70. Below that, shipping costs €7.90. In our experience, the delivery time is 3-7 working days.
Shipping to worldwide destinations
We ship free of charge to all countries outside of Germany and the EU from €70. Below that, shipping costs €9.90. The delivery time to most countries is 7-14 working days, but in our experience, longer times can occasionally occur.
If a faster shipping option is desired, especially for international shipping, please get in touch and we will be happy to check the available alternatives.